I. We also use passive voice to express actions that other people do or did for us.
The VERBS to help us expressing what other people do for us are called: CAUSATIVE VERBS These verbs are used to refer to actions which are done FOR the subject rather than BY the subject. In causative constructions the object is the recipient of an action -the subject is in some way responsible for what happened, but didn't do it. In other words it means “cause someone to do something”.

II. Patterns with have and get

This pattern that means “cause someone to do something”':

We use causative verbs instead of passive voice to show when the subject causes the action that will be done
- Using the causative Have is slightly more formal than Get
- With imperative form, Get is more frequent then Have
Skilled Travel Advisors Craft Your Ultimate Luxury Vacations

(I) Vacations are back, but not just any vacations. As the pandemic wanes and travel restrictions relax, travelers with pent-up enthusiasm are ready to get back on the road in a big way. Travelers of all ages are looking for unique experiences and personalized details that make a trip truly memorable. Many people who used to make their own arrangements are rediscovering the value of a professional travel planner.
(II) Expert planners can handle the important details, from identifying unique destinations to navigating the variety and shifting safety and
testing protocols of post-pandemic travel. "Consider us your matchmakers; the connection between the trip you’ve been dreaming about and the vacation we create that makes those dreams a reality," says Brianna Glenn, owner and travel designer for Milk + Honey Travels, a boutique travel service that designs custom vacations. Travelers don’t need the added stress of trying to navigate the details that elevate a vacation from a good time to a truly unforgettable experience, she adds. Now is the perfect time to plan a summer or fall getaway and a professional travel advisor can help.

(III) Some of the benefits of a customized, bespoke travel service include:
- Personalized planning. The best trips start with a look at what you really want. After years of being stuck at home, travelers have their wish lists ready, and a professional advisor can help make those dreams a reality. Whether your dream is a beach getaway, an African safari, an all-inclusive resort or a family-friendly European adventure, a professional advisor can make sure that everything is in place, and that you know what to expect for safety protocols, local transportation and special events or excursions.
- Expert backup. Upscale travelers want peace of mind as they plan the complex and exotic trips that they have dreamed about while stuck at home. The more complex the trip, the more important it is to have a knowledgeable advocate in your corner if something goes wrong or if safety regulations should suddenly change.

(IV) Professional travel advisors can help with purchasing travel insurance and with negotiating refunds if reservations, flights, cruises or other travel-related activities are canceled. "Ultimately, we save you hours of time and energy so you can focus on the things that matter most to you," Glenn says. "You get the trip of your dreams with none of the leg-work. All you have to do is pack your bags."
Visit milkandhoneytravels.com to learn how professional travel advisors can help make your post-pandemic getaway seamless and stress-free.
Eastwood, John. (2002). Oxford Guide to English Grammar. Oxford University Press.
Hewings, Martin. (2013) Advanced Grammar in Use with Answers. Second Edition. A Self-StudyReference and Practice Book for Advanced Learners of English. CambridgeUniversity Press.
Parrott, Martin. (2004). Grammar for English Language Teachers. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press.
- Image 2. Free stock photos. https://pixabay.com/es/photos/figura-pintor- trabajo-decoraci%c3%b3n-2527295/
- Audio https://freetts.com/#ads Audio version performed by Salii_FREETTS: Text to Speech Converter
- https://www.copyrightfreecontent.com/tips-and-how-to/skilled-travel-advisors- craft-your-ultimate-luxury-vacations/
- https://freetts.com/#ads Audio version performed by Kendra_FREETTS: Text to Speech Converter
Image 1. Canva, Own source.
Image 3. Own source
- Practice exercise written by Cecilia Guadalupe Harumi Gavaldón Hoshiko_Language Department at UNAM-ENES-LEON
- Practice exercise written by Cecilia Guadalupe Harumi Gavaldón Hoshiko. Language Department at UNAM-ENES-LEON
- Practice exercise written by Cecilia Guadalupe Harumi Gavaldón Hoshiko. Language Department at UNAM-ENES-LEON
- Free stock photos https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/casas-en-canal- beside-2901209/ Photo by Pierre Blaché from Pexels
- Free stock photos https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/pueblo-colorido- del-acantilado-3225528/ Photo by Michael Block from Pexels
- Free stock photos https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/ciudad-mujer- panorama-urbano-edificios-3889855/ Photo by Taryn Elliott fro Pexels