Dear Students,
Are you wondering how you'll perform on your forthcoming Certification English
Exams? This Study Zone is for you then! We invite you to increase your English Skills for Certification, through the development of certain language strategies, and to get a sense of the testing question sets and formats with our practice exercises and tests.
Your results will allow you to view your areas of strength and what your areas of improvement are, so you can focus on what will most impact your score and ultimately, to get the test score you're pursuing. In this Study Zone you will find diagnostic knowledge assessments, practice short tests, short educational videos, learning strategies, among other resources, to help you be ready on test day.

B1 level

Etiam laoreet ut nunc in pulvinar. In sit amet elit quis purus interdum faucibus. Nam massa risus, dictum ac fermentum at, aliquam vitae mi.

B2 level

In non nulla vitae mi viverra posuere. Morbi elementum turpis vitae nisi elementum, ac semper lacus lobortis. Mauris ornare turpis ac euismod imperdiet. Nullam egestas purus vitae malesuada sollicitudin.

C1 level

Praesent aliquet eros a massa fringilla maximus. Aliquam non leo eget elit porttitor volutpat rutrum sit amet lacus. Nam eget sem in ipsum viverra sodales non a ligula.