Read the text and then answer questions. Choose the correct option a, b or c.

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Sally: Hey Bob!

Bob: Hello?

Sally: How are you? Are you alright?

Bob: (sigh) Weary. I didn’t sleep well.

Sally: You look it. So you had a bad night?

Bob: Not great, that’s for sure.  I didn’t sleep well last night because I was fixing my computer well past midnight. I went to bed at two o’clock in the morning. Then my baby woke me up at twenty to four because he felt sick.

Sally: Poor thing. Is he ok?

Bob: Oh yes. I rocked him for twenty minutes and then he went back to sleep. I didn’t. I lay awake in bed until about six. Then my alarm clock went off at a quarter to seven.

Sally: Oh dear.

Bob: So I turned it off and went to sleep again. Then, of course, I overslept!  I woke up again at ten minutes to eight. I usually leave home at eight o’clock!  I washed and dressed. I didn’t have breakfast. No time. And then I forgot my wallet!

Sally: Oh, fudge!

Bob: Yes, I left it at home. Thankfully, I had some money in my pocket, so I could buy lunch. But I had to borrow some money from a colleague to buy gas. There wasn’t enough in the car to get home.

Sally: At least you got home. Was work okay?

Bob: Yes, except that I was so tired. I had a meeting in the morning and I did paperwork in the afternoon.  Nothing special.

Sally: Well, you can relax this evening.  You can watch a nice film on TV.

Bob: Relax? I don’t think so! I have to cook dinner tonight because my significant other is working late. Then I have to take my son to the doctor, walk the dog, iron some clothes and clean the bathroom. I’ll be lucky if I’m in bed by half-past 11:00!


  • Practice exercise written by Romero Lara Herrera_ Language Department at ENES-LEON UNAM