Yes, that´s right. Modal verbs are special auxiliaries which add meaning to other main verbs. They always keep the same format for all subjects.  In general, WOULD  is a modal auxiliary that is used for polite requests.  For example:

  • Would you shut the door, please?
  • Would you give this book to your sister, please?
  • Would you help me, please?


Yes, the expression “Would  like” is very common in English  and it is a respectful or  polite way to say “I want”. For example:

  • I would like to talk to  Mr. Spencer, please.
  • d like to have a word with you, please.
  • We´d like to eat something after class. We´re hungry.

In terms of its language pattern, look at this chart:

image 10

2.1  We use would like in three different ways:  would like  + object

  • A: Would you like a cup of coffee?

         B: Yes, please.

  • A: Would you like some tea?

          B: Yes, please. That´s very kind of you.

  • A: Would you like apple or orange juice?

          B: Orange, please. Thank you.

2.2 would like  + infinitive (verbs beginning with “to”)

  • A: Would you like to go for a walk?
  • B: No, thanks. In really appreciate it, but  I'm tired today.


  • A: What would you like to have for dinner today?
  • B: I' d like to have some salad, please.


  • A: Where do you think your children would like to go?
  • B: Well, I think  they'd love to go to the movies.


  • What places would you like to visit tomorrow?
  • Would they like to eat at the new restaurant near the park?

         Yes, they would.

  • What time would you like to leave?

2.3 would like  + gerund (verbs ending in “ing”)

  • I´m sure they would like living in the countryside  for a while. 
  • He probably wouldn’t like working on a farm.
  • I don´t think they would like doing that kind of work.
  • Would you like staying at the Four Seasons Hotel on our next vacation?

         No , I wouldn´t. It´s  too expensive





image 10

Read the extract from Mr. Sanderson’s New Nose  and answer the questions.


'Well, Mr. Sanderson, look at yourself in the mirror. Your new nose looks perfect!, said the shop assistant.  

'I think this nose is a bit too small, replied Mr. Sanderson.

'Small noses are very fashionable this year, Mr. Sanderson, very fashionable.'

'Do you think it suits me?' asked Mr. Sanderson.

'I think it looks very nice,' replied the shop assistant.

'OK, I'll take it!'

On the airbus home, Mr. Sanderson called his wife on his wristphone.

'Hello dear! How do you like my new nose?'

Mrs. Sanderson looked at her husband's new nose on the videophone monitor on the wall in the kitchen. 'I think it's a bit too small, dear,' she said.

'Small noses are very fashionable this year,' replied Mr. Sanderson, 'very fashionable.' It's all so easy now, thought Mr. Sanderson. A hundred years ago, it was impossible to change your body. Or almost impossible – there was the old-fashioned 'plastic surgery', but it was expensive, painful and dangerous. Ugh! Now, thanks to our 22nd-century genetic engineering, we can change our bodies when we want!

He looked at his new small nose in the mirror and thought about how fashionable he was. He was very happy with his new nose. The only problem now, he thought, was that he needed some new hair to go with his new nose.

He looked on the internet for some new hair, but the internet was so slow. Eventually he decided to go to Bodyco in person.

'Good morning, Mr. Sanderson,' said the Bodyco shop assistant. 'How can I help you today?'

Mr. Sanderson remembered the robot shop assistant in the Bodyco shop a few years ago. The robot was friendlier and more efficient, but too many robots made too much unemployment and the robot was replaced by a human.

'I'd like some new hair, please.'

'Certainly, Mr. Sanderson. What type of hair would you like? Short, blond hair goes well with a small nose. How about short, blond hair?'

Mr. Sanderson looked at his hair. It was old and grey. Yes, he thought, short and blond. When he was young, he had short, blond hair. He wanted to look young again.

'Yes, I'll have short blond hair, please. Could it be a bit curly as well?'

'Curly?' asked the shop assistant.

'Yes, you know, curly – not straight!'

'Yes, Mr. Sanderson, I know what "curly" means, but curly hair isn't very fashionable this year.'

'Isn't it?'

'No, it isn't.'

'But I like curly hair!'

'Very well, Mr. Sanderson – short, blond, curly hair. Would you like anything else? We have a special offer on ears this week.'


'Yes, Mr. Smith. The things you hear with.'

'I know what ears are! What type of ears are on offer?'

Mr. Sanderson went out of the shop with new short, blond, curly hair and two new ears.

After this, his interest in his new body started to grow. In the next few weeks he bought new eyes (green – unusual, but fashionable), new hands, new arms, new knees and new feet. Mrs. Smith was happy because Mr. Smith's new feet didn't smell as bad as his old feet. His appearance  was now completely different




Azar, B. S., Azar, D.A., & Koch R.S. (2009). Understanding and Using  English Grammar. Longman.

Barker C. and Mitchell, L. (2004). Mega 1 (First Ed.). Macmillan Publishers.

Hewings, M. (2013) Advanced Grammar in Use with Answers: A Self-Study Reference  and Practice Book for Advanced Learners of English. Cambridge   

                  University Press.

Murphy, R. (2012). English Grammar in Use. Ernst Klett Sprachen.

Murray, L. (2014) English Grammar.  Cambridge University Press.


Images_Compra propia de licencias de banco de imágenes de Pixton y Pngtree, exentas de derechos de autor. https://www-es.pixton.com/ & https://es.pngtree.com/free-backgrounds.Reading Text adapted from: https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/sites/podcasts/files/LearnEnglish-Stories-Mr-Smiths-new-nose.pdf


  • All practice exercises and charts were  written by Héctor Leal Quiroz_2022_ENES- LEÓN-UNAM
  • Audio version performed by Kimberly, Isabella, John and Matt_Compra propia de licencia de uso de voces en Voicemaker, exenta de derechos de autor. https://voicemaker.in/ _Connie Reyes Cruz_2022_